Robot meet A.I.

A.I. meet Robot

With the fields of AI and Hardware converging, a technology inflection point is on the horizon.

This historical moment has the potential to enable intelligent machines to take on considerably more complex tasks like:

Autonomous search and rescue,
Caring for aging baby boomers,
Highly dexterous manufacturing,
Restocking warehouses,
Robotic parcel delivery,
Handling hazardous waste,
Office errand robots,
Construction site monitoring,
this is just the start

But how can we ensure this technical progress will actually address our  complex human needs?

At Card 79, we’re embarking on a set of design experiments to explore how AI and Robotics can actually make our lives richer and more fulfilled.

Case Study
Human-Robot Factory Collab
Case Study
Autonomous Devices Aid the Aging
Case Study
Old Buildings with Smart Maintenance